
Course Information

Organic Chemistry I (CHE 311)

Term: Academic Year 2020-2021 Fall Semester


Dr. Kevin Neil Pennington
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Darryl Ken Bing
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Tue-Thu, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (8/17/2020 - 12/8/2020) Location: BART NURSE 135


A guided inquiry approach to the chemistry of carbon containing compounds. Topics include nomenclature, the relationships of structure to physical and chemical properties, organic mechanisms, stereochemistry conformational analysis, methods of synthesis, and characteristic reactions. Includes interpretation of IR and NMR spectra. The laboratory component will take a green chemistry approach to exercises including methods for the determination of physical properties, separation, purification, and synthesis of organic compounds. Fall. Prerequisite: CHE 152. Note: One three-hour laboratory per week.