Environmental Chemistry (CHE 320)
Term: Academic Year 2014-2015 Fall Semester
Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/23/2014 - 12/21/2014) Location: BART MOYE 202
Fri, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (8/23/2014 - 12/21/2014) Location: BART MOYE 211
Array of topics covering the chemistry of the natural and polluted environment intended to broaden student's understanding in the chemical processes of the environment. Aspects of the enivornment with focus on aquatic chemistry and atmospheric chemistry would be explored drawing on the fundamental principles of analytical and organic chemistry. Effects of organic and inorganic chemicals and the chemistry of the biodegradable materials would be discussed. Fall, odd years. Prerequisite: CHE 152.