
Course Information

Global Environmental Geography (GEO212)

Term: Academic Year 2011-2012 Spring


Heather Elizabeth Ward
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Tue-Thu, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (1/9/2012 - 5/8/2012) Location: BC-H-209


This course investigates key relationships be tween natural environments and human culture, emphasizing the interrelationships between ph ysical systems,social processes and anthropog enic environmental change. Students will unde rstand the elements of and write an environme ntal impact study. Topics may include populat ion densities,regional natural hazards and di seases,land use,food production systems (for example,slash and burn agriculture or terrace d farmingP and substainability, impacts of gl obal warming and climate change,publics lands and resource conflicts, or habit fragmentati on and pollution. Fall and Spring.